Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Prep for Upcoming Workshop

Blocks laid out for upcoming workshop April 6th.  Fruits of the Spirit Quilt.  Workshop to be held at St. John's in Walpole, New Hampshire.  Soon to be stitched together and bordered by forgiveness fabric.  Fiber Alchemy teams with Claiming Creativity.  Very successful workshop last Sat. on Meandering Prayer Journals.  See the blog www.claimingcreativitywordpress.com for lots more information.
UFO table cloth under construction.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Garden Fairies Visit Studio

fairy bowl with clementine, angelina fiber stitched 

clementine with silk, angelina fiber, and beads to create fairy bowl

clementine in petal fairy bowl made with angelina and beads stitched to form bowl 
Even as the snow lay on the ground the fairies visited the studio and whispered in my ear of spring.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

Many Happy Wishes to All on a Day of Love      



3UFO Petal Bag Finished!  Hooray!! only 5 more different ufos to go...                      

Monday, February 4, 2013

Tool Solution

Found the perfect solution for holding all my cutting tools!   Several Christmases ago my sister made record bowls for all of us in our family.  I found all my tools fit nicely into the folds that were made.  A big thanks to Harper.  Now everything is together and I don't spend so much time hunting around.  Yes I am still working my way through my UFOs.
cardinal UFO in progress